color white/blue yellow/cyan # timeout 30 # default /default # jp106 keypad setkey at bracketleft setkey doublequote at setkey ampersand caret setkey quote ampersand setkey parenleft asterisk setkey parenright parenleft setkey underscore parenright setkey equal underscore setkey plus colon setkey colon quote setkey asterisk doublequote setkey bracketleft bracketright setkey braceleft braceright setkey bracketright backslash setkey braceright bar setkey backslash backquote setkey tilde plus setkey caret equal setkey backquote braceleft setkey bar tilde # title configfile FD menu.lst # configfile (fd0)/menu.lst title BG-Rescue Linux 0.9.1 -- vga=normal pause Insert ' vmlinuz ' Floppy and Press Enter kernel (fd0)/vmlinuz pause Insert ' initrd.img ' Floppy and Press Enter initrd (fd0)/initrd.img boot title BG-Rescue Linux 0.9.1 -- vga=769 pause Insert ' vmlinuz ' Floppy and Press Enter kernel (fd0)/vmlinuz vga=769 pause Insert ' initrd.img ' Floppy and Press Enter initrd (fd0)/initrd.img boot title BG-Rescue Linux 0.9.1 -- pause Insert ' vmlinuz ' Floppy and Press Enter kernel (fd0)/vmlinuz vga=771 pause Insert ' initrd.img ' Floppy and Press Enter initrd (fd0)/initrd.img boot title BG-Rescue Linux 0.9.1 -- vga=773 pause Insert ' vmlinuz ' Floppy and Press Enter kernel (fd0)/vmlinuz vga=773 pause Insert ' initrd.img ' Floppy and Press Enter initrd (fd0)/initrd.img boot title BG-Rescue Linux 0.9.1 -- vga=775 pause Insert ' vmlinuz ' Floppy and Press Enter kernel (fd0)/vmlinuz vga=775 pause Insert ' initrd.img ' Floppy and Press Enter initrd (fd0)/initrd.img boot title BG-Rescue Linux 0.9.1 -- SafeMode (vga=normal apm=off) pause Insert ' vmlinuz ' Floppy and Press Enter kernel (fd0)/vmlinuz vga=normal apm=off pause Insert ' initrd.img ' Floppy and Press Enter initrd (fd0)/initrd.img boot title *** back to main menu *** configfile (fd0)/menu.lst title reboot reboot title halt halt